Friday, March 16, 2012

Do What the Buddhists Do

"Do what the buddhists do.  Every day, have a little bird on your shoulder that asks, "Is today the day?  Am I ready?  Am I doing the all I need to do?  Am I the person I want to be?"  This is a deep, meaningful quote.  If you answer yes to those questions, then you are probably living an enjoyable life, and you are doing everything you need or want to do.  If you are answering no to those questions, then you are doing something wrong, and you need to change your attitude or what you are doing.  Because if today is the day you're going to die, then you would want to leave with an enjoyable lifetime, not a boring regretful one.  Also, if you do ask these questions, you may do things that are out of the ordinary for you, rather than living day by day as a robot, doing the same things and not really having fun and enjoying yourself.  This question really does have a deeper meaning, and makes you question more things that are around you.


  1. This is quite interesting. I never thought of doing what the Buddhists have done before, in fact I have never known what they did at all! I never thought of it that way. I'll start trying this out and really see if I have to change anything. Keep up the good work Tyler Peter!

  2. I agree that it is important to ask your self these question. I can not imagine the possibilities of our world if everyone asked them selves these questions everyday. If everyone could always answer yes to these questions then the world would be perfect. For now on im going to use these ideas and always think about the little bird on my shoulder.
